Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Screenplay layout conventions

1. What is a spec script?
A spec script is usually what writers who are starting out in the industry will make or the professionals with high concept ideas that would struggle to pitch it verbally. This will then get sent out to many different companies who then have the potential to either ditch the idea or take it on to be made. Although when making spec scripts you wont be getting paid until the idea gets taken up which can be a big downfall for those who are freelance and wanting to do it solely as a career.
A typical spec would be around 110-120 pages long and this would also acquaint to one minute of screen time. This would all depend on whether the script is for a 30 minute tv drama or a full length film.

What is a shooting script?
A shooting script is a script which has been developed specifically for being on screen which can be followed by cast, crew etc when filming. It includes more details and will be written by the director alongside crucial members of the team like the cinematographer. They have to collaborate to be able to have the best outcomes of what is possible with the budget. They can also play off each others ideas.
When on set different departments will use this shooting script to know what scenes need to be set up, the costumes and makeup that the cast need and also if anything specific filming wise is needed such as equipment like a green screen or jibs/tracks to get shots to look certain ways.
Although this is in place it can still be changed and if pages need to be added they can do so. For example, page 3a rather than having to print what could be hundreds of new scripts it will just be the new pages which can be printed and added to the existing scripts.

For any screenplay that you want to have taken seriously you need to have it in font Courier and size 12. This is to give the effect of a typewriter and keeps everyone's the same so no change in formats etc which means it is easier to follow and read. Also if you choose to use a different font chances are that your script will not be looked at as many company's will only look at scripts which have the Courier with size 12 font.

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