Tuesday 20 November 2018

Battle Royale

Q3. What is the genre and what themes does the film exemplify? The genre of Battle Royale is a cross between drama and adventure but also a thriller as it creates high tension in some places (eg. when the girls are in the lighthouse and end up killing each other after one poisons the soup for the male to eat but the friend ends up eating it instead). It also shows some futuristic features such as, the collars being tracked from the school base by the army and also the boys hacking the computer to make bombs. Many themes run throughout the film such as friendship. We see many group together to help each other to survive like the main characters Nanahara and Nakagawa. Along side the 3 boys who come together to create a bomb. We also see love. Many come out and as they know they are going to die they want to tell the other person that they love them so they can die happy.

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