Wednesday 4 October 2017

A tense meeting evaluation

  A Tense Meeting Evaluation

Our short film was about two friends who meet at college and see a bar of hersheys fall from above. This then sparks a tense few moments in a mad dash to see who can get to this first. 
I acted in the film and also helped with camerawork and editing too. 

Elements that worked well
-We worked really well together and bounced off each others ideas. For example when filming we were giving each other ideas of what shots would look good and everyone was open to trying it.
-Also when editing, as we were all basically new to the process we worked well in each deciding where shots would go and which would look more successful than others. 

Elements for improvement
-I think something we could improve is our original shot lists. We weren't very prepared when it came to this and it resulted in us taking longer to get started when we did begin filming as we were unsure what to actually shoot.
 - If I could re-shoot I would put extra lighting in the scene where Beth walks through the door into the dark corridor. As it is a lot darker the camera finds it hard to re focus resulting in it being a little hard to see her. It would perhaps look better as a point of view of over the shoulder shot.

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